Money Insurance

Our Money Insurance Policy provides an all risk cover for money:

  • Cash in Transit within and outside the Premises
  • Cash in locked safes
  • Loss of/or damage to safes and strong room, cash-boxes etc.


Cash in Transit within and outside the Premises

This provides cover for cash whiles it’s in transit and accompanied by some security personnel to and from the bank and also when the cash is on the premises before its put in a locked safe.

Cash in Locked Safes

Loss of cash of the insured or money he is responsible for arising from burglary and house breaking whilst kept in a locked safe or strong- room at any of the Insured’s premises.

Loss of/or damage to safes and strong room, cash-boxes etc.

Loss of or damage to safes and strong-rooms resulting from theft of money or any attempt threat up to the amount stated in the schedule as the limit of liability for any one loss.

Fidelity Guarantee

The QIC Fidelity Guarantee Policy compensates the employer against loss of monies as a result of the dishonesty of employee(s) who handle cash and large stock of goods. Our policy may be issued as a blanket policy that names relevant positions instead of named employee(s).

Bankers Indemnity Insurance

This type of insurance provides comprehensive insurance coverage from one single insurance policy to institutions which have heavy financial transactions like Banks.

Scope of Cover

  • The risks covered under this insurance are cash/valuables in the premises, cash/valuables in transit, forgery, alteration, infidel activities of staff etc.