Making Claims

Quick & easy claim processing at your fingertips

Claims Processing Checklists.

This is a comprehensive guide to making a successful claim for all our products.

Motor Insurance

Motor Claim Form

01. Own Damage Claim & Theft Claims (Documents required)

  • Completed Claim Form
  • Copy of Driver’s License (DL)
  • Photographs of the damaged vehicle
  • Estimates/Cost of Repair from Garage (RC)
  • Police Report (If available) or police extract for own damage claim
  • Police Report (Compulsory for Theft Claim)
  • Fire Report from Ghana National Fire Service in case of fire claim

02. Third Party Property Damage Claim (Documents required)

  • Police Report to establish liability of insured;
    Payment under TPPD is only upon proof of negligence or acceptance of negligence by insured.
  • Estimates of Costs of repairs.
  • Photographs of Third Party vehicle.
  • Driver’s License

03. Injury and death of passengers and driver of Private Vehicles

  • a. For X1 certificate, Limit for driver is as per the Personal Accident Cover. Occupants have unlimited Liability.
  • b. For X4 certificate, there is no cover for driver nor occupants(except passenger liability and Personal Accident components have been purchased)
Documents required
  • Completed Motor Claim Form
  • Police Report
  • 2 passport pictures of Claimant endorsed by a Medical Officer (in the case of injury).
  • Medical report (in case of injury)
  • 2 passport pictures of Claimant endorsed by a Commissioner for Oaths(In the case of death)
  • In the case of claims involving minors birth certificate
  • Cause of death / Death Certificate (in case of death) Probate / Letter of Administration (in case of death)-interstate, or if claiming on behalf of minor
  • Affidavit of Instructions if solicitor is involved.
  • Letter of claim stating personal particulars of injured or deceased.

04. Third Party Injury/ Death (Injury and death of fare paying Passengers and driver of commercial vehicle as well as pedestrians)

Documents required
  • Police Report
  • 2 passport pictures of Claimant
  • Medical report (in case of injury)
  • Evidence of employment and earnings
  • Cause of death / Death Certificate (in case of death)
  • Probate / Letters of Administration (in case of death)
  • Affidavit of instructions (if represented by a lawyer)

05. Claims subject to litigation

Documents required
  • Statutory Notice of commencement of proceedings under Motor Vehicle Third Party Act (1958)
  • Writ of Summons
  • Statement of Claim
  • Police Report pointing to liability of insured or otherwise.
  • Judgment in criminal court against insured.
  • Affidavit of Instructions/Statutory Declaration from the claimant.

Fire and Allied Perils Insurance

Documents required
  • Completed claim form
  • Cost of Replacement / Repair of Damage or Loss (indemnity requires replacement with a similar item. No improvement is allowed)
  • Invoices / waybills for stolen items
  • Stock books indicating value of stock held prior to loss.
  • Fire Service Report (in case of fire)
  • Police report (in case of impact from moving vehicle)
  • Pictures of damage/damaged items if possible.

Burglary Insurance

Documents required
  • Completed claim form
  • Police report
  • Receipts, Invoices / waybills for stolen items
  • Stock books indicating value of stocks held prior to loss.
  • Estimated cost of repairing locks, doors or points of forcible entry or exit.

Home Insurance

Documentation and Procedure would be as under either Fire, Burglary or Liability Insurance based on the peril that caused the loss or damage.

Personal Accident Insurance

Documents required
  • Completed claim form
  • Evidence of salary for policies where capital sum is multiple of salary
  • Medical report indicating the number of days out of work and the permanent disability if any.
  • Receipts / medical expenses
  • Cause of death / burial certificate (in case of death)
  • Probate / letter of administration (in case of death).
  • Payroll/slip

Workmen’s Compensation

Documents required
  • Completed Claim form
  • Labour Office sheet 1 and 2
  • Letter of Computation from Labour office
  • Receipts / medical expenses
  • Medical receipts (if any)

Money Insurance

Documents required
  • Completed Claim form
  • Police report
  • Evidence of amount of money in transit or in safe before the loss
  • Statement of Account

Marine Cargo

Documents required
  • Inspection report
  • Bill of Lading
  • Certificate or policy of insurance
  • Delivery tally sheet

Fidelity Guarantee Claim

Documents required
  • Inspection report
  • Police Report
  • Evidence of amount of money embezzled
  • Statement of Account, Receipts, Invoices /waybills for stolen items
  • Internal Investigation Report

Travel Insurance Claims

Ideally all Quality Travel clients are supposed to contact Sirius International Corporation’s emergency telephone numbers provided below whilst abroad should an insured event occur.


MEDICAL EMERGENCY is the event of an Insured dying, incurring medical expenses, being involved in an accident, or being admitted to hospital.


GLOBAL RESPONSE MUST be contacted immediately in the event of an Insured dying, incurring medical expenses in excess of USD 500, being involved in an accident, or being admitted to hospital. The Company will not be liable for any costs without the express prior approval of GLOBAL RESPONSE, in the case of Medical Emergency.


GLOBAL RESPONSE will provide a complete medical assistance service to the Insured. Operating 24 hrs a day 365 days a year.


GLOBAL RESPONSE provides effective medical assistance for the Insured anywhere in the world and can be accessed by telephone or email:-
For assistance worldwide, contact:
Global Response
Tel: (24 HR) +44 (0)2920 474131
Cardiff, UK
Assistance in Africa, contact:
Global Response
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +27 10 100 3045
Assistance in the Americas, contact:
Global Response
Indianapolis, USA
Tel: +1 317 927 689
Assistance in Asia Pacific, contact:
Global Response
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3008 8234
Assistance in Europe, contact:
Global Response
Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 919 04 47 15
In the case of emergency, the Insured may reverse charge the cost of the telephone call to GLOBAL RESPONSE.

However, in view of the fact that some clients are unable to reach the Emergency telephone number whilst abroad, Quality Insurance Company Limited is ever ready to assist them put forward their claim to Sirius International Corp.