QIC Corner

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‘Go Girl’ Wins Maiden CIIG Award

Caring for the Community, QIC Donates to a Charity.

Are you Protected? Amidst Life’s Uncertainties!

Launching true Insurance Innovation - ‘Go Girl’ Policy.

QIC’s ‘Go Girl’ Policy Wins Best Insurance Product at Maiden CIIG Awards

Quality Insurance Company’s Go Girl Policy, which seeks to empower women, has won the Best Product of the Year 2019 at the maiden Chartered Insurance Institute of Ghana (CIIG) awards.

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QIC Donates to a course...

They may provide a story to go with later ...

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ARE YOU PROTECTED? Amidst life’s uncertainties, you can still enjoy to the fullest.

Life is good! Many people are reluctant to take insurance policies mainly due to ignorance or lack of confidence in the industry.

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